Live Music
The Woodchopper’s Ball features the largest variety of live swing dance music in town! Dance to your favorite bands, and a different band each week, at our Dance Parties, 9:00-11:30pm, and swing out on the large, beautiful 2,500-square-foot hardwood dance floor!
Only $20 (students $10 with ID) for the dance party (cash only, please)! And admission includes a 15-minute Drop-In Basic Swing dance lesson, 9:00-9:15pm, right before the band’s first set (no partner or registration required)!
All students currently enrolled in any of our monthly class series automatically receive admission to the Dance Parties for that month at no extra charge. What a deal!
Students dropping in on a particular night for a single class of a monthly class series also receive admission to the Dance Party at no extra charge, but for that night only.
Birthday VIP Special
Celebrate your birthday at the Woodchopper’s Ball for FREE! Just email us ( in advance, at least 24 hours before the Tuesday on which you want to celebrate, and be prepared to show your ID at the door (your birthday must be within a week of that Tuesday). You’ll be on our Birthday VIP guest list for the evening! Happy Birthday!
Full Bar & Lounge
When you’re not dancing, enjoy a classic cocktail from the swanky, vintage full bar and lounge, open 8:00pm to closing (21 and older only). Now accepting credit cards. Mingle and socialize with the crowd, or sit back and listen to the music. Seats and tables are available in the bar and lounge area, as well as the main ballroom.
COVID-19 Safety Precautions
As of July 2024, and continuing until further notice, the COVID-19 policy at the Woodchopper’s Ball is as follows:
- Masking is welcome, but optional, at all times.
- Free masks are still available upon request.
- Eating is allowed.